Jun 3, 2008

sold to the man in back

Sunday was the final show and auction for the previously discussed Scion installation tour.

We had the chance to bid on anything and everything from a Blek le Rat stencil (sold for $11k) to other more humbling pieces of art that sold for $100...

Here's me signing in to maybe buy something i cant afford.

Pretty quite day, not nearly as busy as it was a year ago.

Though Freddi C managed to make a splash. Here is hoping we see Edwin Ushiro in this tour next year.

Yoskay Yamamoto sold his for a final bid of $1850. Its really a pretty awesome little sculpture - but not nearly as cool as the giant 5' bust he sent to Scion at the beginning. They had a little accident and pretty much destroyed it, but he was able to make something a little more portable for them...

I ended up with a little something something, but was handily outbid for the pieces i wanted most...

1 comment:

marcus said...

any pictures of the 5' bust?