Jun 2, 2008

artwalk 2.0

This Saturday was the Culver City Artwalk, which was as crowded as last year. We had a nice calm in the morning as we prepared for our annual morning brunch...

The Royal/T maids stopped by for a visit. They heard we had the best show in town, so wanted to feel like they were part of the team...if only for the day.

The day was almost too busy to take pictures, as we were running a "pop-up" show across the street and the gallery. With Kim running "pop-up" and wifey and I in the gallery we are going to have to wait until we get some pics back from friends.

It was insanely busy all day though, and we were not able to close up until almost 9p. If you were not able to make it the "insider trading" show, images will go online tomorrow, so keep checking back.

Afterwards wifey and I took the team to dinner in K-Town. A huge thanks to our artists for pulling together such great new pieces, and a bigger thanks to our interns who really worked hard the last two weeks on both our new quarterly newsletter and helping to hang the "pop-up" show.

Yoskay takes the best pictures...

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